Sunday, March 15, 2009


"Shituation" n.: a bad situation, 2.: a dramatic, usually negative happening resulting in utter shit in one's life.

It's 9:59, when I started at least. It has been a long day so I am sitting here exhausted. I worked at Borders, spent way too much money at The GAP, and then came home to not do my homework. I took a long shower hoping to wash the stink of Borders off of me and it was harder then I thought. I'm already tired of it and I have only worked there a handful of days. I should be doing homework right now, I tried. I really did. But the blank screen kept getting brighter and brighter until eventually I had to stop. It's not hard homework, but I still can't do it yet. Most likely I will go to bed and get up astoundingly early to finish. Hopefully by the time you read this, I will be done.

Let's rewind a bit. Friday I went to the beach after class with some friends. It was a bit chilly but it made me happy. Made me miss all my old friends in Chicago. (I thought of you guys!) I put my feet in the water and let the ocean wash over my toes over and over. I decided I like the beach, even if sand is annoying.

My new beach friend.

Leah trying to act like a ganster. Meghan is not sure what to think.

After the beach some of us hung out at our place. Our apartment is becoming quite the party pad. Highlight of my Friday was when Rudy told me that I would be running Paramount soon. It was a joke but it made me very happy.

I don't even remember Saturday, but I did see strippers on my way home from work.

Okay, so today was not too bad at Borders. LL Cool J came in. Dani and I cause trouble again. We sang this chick Happy Birthday, it made her day. We will always be remembered as those girls from Borders who sang to her on her 21st birthday. haha. Better then that, we had this one lady who Dani rang up. She told Dani that she reminded her of Shane from The L Word. I think it made Dani's day. I was laughing so hard I literally fell onto the floor behind the counter. By the time I pulled myself together to make her drink, I misheard the drink and made the customer the wrong one. Luckily for her, I messed it up giving her a better, more expensive drink. I told the customer I messed up and was going to make her the right one. She told me she would take the upgrade and then told me she wanted to kiss me. Luckily there was a two foot counter between us so I dodged that one. Dani and I were quite the team, look for our reality TV show airing in 2010...that's all I'm saying about that.

Our tip jar. It's kind of cute.

Leah, Dee and I decided to go to The GAP to take advantage of the discount Brett offered to us. We stocked up on nice clothing for our hopefully future agency jobs. Looking forward to being someone's bitch in $60 pants. Nothing says I can make great coffee and answer the shit out of your phone like GAP pants and a cardigan. PS. Loving the hell out of Brett right now.

"You act all tough but you're really just a warm bowl of mush." - Dani (She has more random shit coming out of her mouth then I do. Hard to believe huh?)

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