Monday, March 23, 2009

Lesson of the day "Be nice to gay people"

My phone camera was full so I missed out on some really great pictures. I am very sad about that.

Saturday was kind of a blur. In fact I do not remember at all what I did. I remember that I got up at noon, ran a few errands and then went to Meghan's for a little bit. I'm helping her out on her script for this really cute romantic comedy. Think Wedding Crashers for women and actually funny. After that I hung out at home with the kids. I got invited out a few places but I got a text that put me in a weird mood so it was go out, get drunk and do something I would regret or go to bed. I opted for going to bed. Welcome to Hollywood.

Quintin: Shut your trap woman. I don't like all your talkin' and such.

Sunday was a boring work day. Not much happened, just the typical making coffee and cleaning up after stupid people. Although I must say that being on the floor and having no responsibilities is very nice. Someone complains and I just call someone else, not my problem. Person shits themselves on our chair, not my problem. Person passed out in the bathroom, not my problem. Crack whore selling herself to children, not my problem.

I was so tired when I got home that I put hand soap on my tooth brush. No joke. I had to wash it like five times to get the green apple soap taste out. Gross.

This awesome apartment building by the studio. haha.

Today, Monday, we had a guest speaker who's main message seemed to be "be nice to gay people" mainly because they are a group you don't want to piss off. I really hope I don't piss them off. I am now working on an hour long dramedy with Brett K, not to be confused with my gay lover Brett. I am very excited for it. Then I went to BK and got a gosh darn veggie burger. They are so tasty I am addicted.

Me: BK is tastey as hell.
Leah: You're tastey as hell.
Me: I know, that's what I'm told.
Quintin: Leah, don't feed her ego.

I'm feeling a little confused about everything going on around me. Mainly job hunting, apartment hunting and woman hunting. I have a lot to do but life is a challenge and I am up for it. (just kidding about the last one, haha)

This was the cutest thing I have seen in a long time...

On a none related note:
Meghan: ...My vibrator sounds like more fun...
(no she was not talking about me)

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