Saturday, March 21, 2009

Britney Spears is an aphrodisiac

It has been quite the busy week to say the least. I fear that life is only about to get busier.

Monday we went and saw the Hollywood sign. This is this secret back way to get really close that they don't tell tourists about so it was really fun.

No Trespassing! Whoops!

We climbed all the way up here. It was intense.

This was the weed tree we found. Very nice.

Tuesday we got a really cool chance to go see a special screening of Maiden Heist, the new Walken/Freeman/Macy film. It was pretty funny. The coolest part of it though, was that it was in CAA, the largest talent agency in the country and probably world. I felt pretty cool. Afterward we all went out for drinks. Since there was a large group of us, they got us upgraded and drink deals. The margaritas were gross...

The boys pretending to be hotshot producers.

Meghan blowing our cover by forgetting to act classy.

The outdoor lounge with comfy couches.

We found a giant A in the parking lot. This picture is for Ashley.

The reason boys should not play with fire.

Dee's car got trampled by a kitty with dirty paws.

A random cut out in some car. Very nice.

Wednesday we had an awesome speaker. I got a Hollywood shot glass from him.

Leah got a giant pencil and Dee got a blow up ball of the world. I think I got the best deal here.

I stayed up all night Wednesday finish up a film treatment. It turned out pretty well. It was for my superhero script. I am very eager to get feedback on it.

Thursday was Leah's 21st Birthday! We went to this place called the Avalon for Tigerheat night. It is this really old theater they converted into a night club. It is my favorite bar, even if it has over priced drinks. The dance floor was huge and totally packed. Picture your favorite dance club seen in a movie and that was it. The dance clubs/bars in Chicago were not nearly as large or as packed. Plus, to make it even better, it was BRITNEY SPEARS night! There was this drag Britney that performed a few songs. It was awesome.

Some dancers.

$8 shots. No joke.

Meghan attempting to keep up with me...but I'm quite the pro at this point.

The floor was turning into a giant mess of sweaty bodies touching each other in completely inappropriate ways...proving that Britney Spears is in fact an aphrodisiac.

So we decided to leave Avalon when they stopped serving alcohol. It was a mile walk home but seemed to take twice as long. However we got to see the Magic Castle lit up, which is right by our house.

For those of you who do not know, this has nothing to do with Disney. It is actually a club for magicians and you can only get in by invite only. It is really cool.

Friday night we went to this really cool writer's house. Got to meet a few cool people and hear some great stories.
His cat had a stash like Hitler's...

...and has jumped off his 9th floor balcony TWICE and survived both times. Seriously. It is not the brightest of nicest cat, but at this point would expect it to be?

Dee's Piggy bank that she keeps in her car.

The shark by our house.

Chelsea:I know exactly how you are. The harder the exterior, the softer the interior.
Me:Don't talk about my interior baby.


The Knickerbocker Rules said...

Look at that: I found your blog! And now I am sad because it has much more visual flare than my own.

HH said...

Well Mr. Knickerbocker...looks like we will have to team up to make something even better...oh wait...I guess we are!