Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm Back.

Okay so as I said earlier I took a few days off to celebrate my birthday, move my roommates in, start Borders and start school. Let me break down what you missed:

Thursday was awesome. I had a great birthday (thanks everyone for all your warm wishes) and I spent it at Disneyland! Dee and I went there and basically went on every ride possible. I got to hang out with my new favorite red head Arial.

And Dee made out with a frog.

I had to enter all the rides first. :(

After Disneyland I want home and found cupcakes at my door...

They were from my old favorite red head.

But they were super tastey and I have been eating them for every meal. I only have like two left.

This one had filling.

Then Dee and I went out to a pub called the Red Lion where we met up with some old friends from Chicago. It was great to see familiar faces and meet some new ones. I met this guy named Shadie from England who was producing the new Kanye West video. Apparently Kanye's entourage cost so much they had to cut back on the size of the film crew.

On Friday Quintin and Leah came into LA. I no longer have a room to myself :(. I haven't introduced you to Quintin yet so here he is:

He didn't really want me to take his picture but I always get my way.
That night we had a large group of people over. My dear friends Jake and Chris were two of the people that came over and I forgot how much I love them. They just make me laugh nonstop and flatter me constantly which I love.

Saturday we did all kinds of rearranging the apartment and running errands. We bought 99 cent wine from the 99 cent store.

It was not very good and Nora would be ashamed of me.

Oh and here is this Burberry watch...

...I didn't get you. To go with my Prada sweater that isn't really mine.
But I wore my new favorite shoes so it was a good day.

Sunday I worked at Borders from 12-8 making coffee for the fine people of Los Angeles. It was lame but I need some kind of income. When I got home all my roomies were there. We had Champaign to celebrate our semester starting. Best part is that we drank it from very fancy glasses:

No joke. They came with the apartment.

Today aka Monday, we had our first day at Raleigh's. It seems like it will be a lot of work but totally worth it. I am very excited. Big things to come!

Oh. I was on the set of The Closer today. It was pretty cool.

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