Sunday, March 29, 2009

Little Miss Bad Blogger

Really, I am a bad has been like a week. Unfortunately I don't feel like that much has happened to me and the things that have happened this week have all bee a blur. However I will try my best...

I don't remember Monday really. I had class, that's about all I remember. Seriously. Quintin left a banana lying on the floor of our room leading to this conversation:

Me-The room better not smell like bananas.
Q-It might smells like farts, sorry.

Tuesday was a bit more exciting as I had class and then work. Nothing exciting happened at either one of those but hey, what can you do. My roommates and I started feeling sick so I asked Amanda for medical advice. This was me trying to explain Amanda's advice to Leah:

"If it comes out clear, we just have to wait it out. If it comes out colored, we are in trouble."

Wednesday was only exciting because Brett K and I met up and worked out an entire season of our TV show. We put it all up on the board, it was pretty cool.


My description of what was going on in one episode: "she's fucking going nuts because she knows this chick is coming"

On the way home from my meeting I got stuck behind the Entourage van that was heading to a bar next to my house where the show was shooting that day.

Max got more excited then I did.

After that Leah and I decided to go for our almost daily walk through the canyon. This time we decided to go exploring and somehow ended up at the top of the canyon without a really way to get down. Then we has to like slide down a stinking mountain until we found a real path, which basically went straight down. So then we had to sprint down a mountain. It was nuts. I was very sore. I'm sure we will do it again soon.

"sometimes you have to go deeper in, to go out....that's what she said"

Thursday was fun because we did not have class until 1 pm. I got up and had brunch with Anne, Ashley's friend who was in town for the week, at this little place called The Griddle. It was pretty good. By the time I got home, our power had been shut off because our landlord did not pay the bill. Classic. Seriously.

Between class and our next event a group of us went to this Thai place called the...

At which Quintin confessed to me that "When I first met you, I thought you were a whore because you said that you were going to go to Hollywood and sleep your way to the top. A year later, I am sleeping in your bed."

That night we went to the Writers Guild to meet with the screenwriters of LOST. It was interesting, even though I don't watch the show. Dan decided to reserve something for me:

...and I bought white aviators to go with my white belt...

...then I found out where the drains lead...

Friday was boring in class for the most part. Brett K and I had a cute conversation when we were supposed to be learning:

B: Most people have hearts.
Me: I don't.
B: I know, but someday you will get one.
Me: From the Wizard of Oz?
B: I was thinking from some hot woman, but it could be a wizard.
Me: How about a wizardess?

Friday night a whole group of us went out. Meghan ripped my $5 :(

But at the bar this guy was hitting on her and I told him that I was her pimp and that in order to talk to her, he had to pay me. The guy pulled out a dollar and gave it to me. Classic. The bar was lame though.

Saturday was fun because we went up to Malibu to go to the beach. We played soccer on the beach and swam in the freezing ocean. Then we were walking up the beach and saw a WHALE!!!! Then wall we were watching the whale, several dolphins began swimming around the whale. It was like animal planet in person. I kept thinking to myself over and over again "I can't believe I live here."

I saw Max's cousin on the way home from the beach.

Not a whole lot of family resemblance. Max must have been adopted.

I got two nicknames this week. One from Meghan and one from Nick.
Meghan: Hilary lady killer Helding, If i was to make a TV series about you, that's what the name would be, Lady Killer.
Nick: I'm going to nickname you the female fister.

Now I am off to go find a job/internship for next week...oh boy...I will keep you all updated on that.

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