Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Party and "The Club"

Rules to throwing a good party:
1. Clear out your fridge. People need room to put their cases of beer. Do it ahead of time to prevent people going through your stuff and squishing your eggs/produce.
2. Invite more girls then boys. Seriously. When a boy says he is coming...he is coming. If he isn't sure if he will come he will straight up tell you. Women will say they are coming and then won't. Half the women you invite that say they are coming won't show up. 99.9% of the men who say they are coming will show up. Fact.
3. Pre-plan out party music. Pull some tracks onto your iPod and have it going in the background.
4. DO NOT put the TV on. Watching TV/movies is not a social activity. It's just not.
5. Do not use real glasses. Invest in disposable cups it makes clean up easier and nothing gets broken.
6. Put away towels you actually use. Having your clean bath towel in the bathroom means it will not be clean anymore.
7. At the party, relax. Don't run around cleaning up or being controlling. Make your rounds. Introduce yourself to everyone and thank them for coming.
8. When you are ready for it to be over, tell everyone to get out. It is not rude to say that you want to go to bed. Everyone understands. If you don't tell them, drunk people will stay as long as they can because they are DRUNK and don't deal well with time.
9. Clean up in the morning. You just threw a party, you deserve to go to bed. The mess will not get worse over night. Yes it's gross. Yes there are random bottles in the oddest places, but it will all be okay in the morning.
10. Actually clean up in the morning. Sticky beer residue on the coffee table is not cool a week later.

So how did my party go? It was pretty amazing. I have a serious love for hosting parties and I had forgotten as I have not thrown a party since July when I moved out of my place on Halsted. When I lived with Jesse and Axel we through huge parties all the time as well. I miss it. Most people don't like hosting but I do. We probably had about 40 people here at the height of the event. It was one of my favorite nights in LA so far. I had way too much to drink, but what else is new. I will not post photos as it is likely that there will be too many bad ones up on Facebook.

My phone decided to act up. Everytime I looked down at the phone it said I had a voicemail even though my phone didn't ring or some message had just been sent. Appartenly if you send a text message with nothing in it, it is called a page and my phone kept sending them out. It was weird. I'm taking it to get fixed.

Leah and I have have this joke because whenever people have asked us if we are single we both go "uhhhh...well....ummmmm" Then last night as we were talking with some people that came over from our SLA program, we realized that a lot of people are like that. People that moved here and left someone they still really care about all the way back in Chicago. We called it "The Club" and it became the joke of the night. Funny thing is that for the first time since I have been out here I was sure my answer to that question was a solid yes. I guess I'm really not a member of that club anymore. There were like 6 of us that were sitting around telling stories about people we left back in Chicago and how we said goodbye. Then we all mutually decided that the best way to solve our "problem" was to go out and meet someone else. Stupid huh? I think this decision was partly because we were sitting at this fun party thinking about people who weren't here and partly because we were drunk.

There has been this kid in my SLA program who has been sitting next to me for a week. I was kind of thinking he was gay but was not 100% sure. Turns out he is!!! I am very excited to have a gay man in my LA life. It's like I'm finally starting to really settle in now. I know it's a stupid thing to feel like you need but I need to be around people like me. I just do. I have a part time thing at Borders, I am working on film stuff, I am writing, I am being creative, I am getting comfortable driving, I have an LA husband, I am making friends, I am learning the city, and I am being social. This is becoming my home and it feels right.

I feel a lot like I did back in June when I was coming out of my shell again and transitioning into this new confident person that I was probably all the way up until January. Then I had a recession. This week was kind of like a reset button for me. It's like I am getting yet another chance to start over. Which is refreshing but weird at the same time, mainly because if I have to do it over then that means I had to have done something majorly wrong. Makes me think a lot about which mistake was the big one and which things I think were mistakes but really weren't.

"It's weird. As soon as I saw you, I needed to talk."

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