Thursday, February 19, 2009


Okay so I have been trying to be productive and it is kind of working. I'm still in the process of unpacking. Hopefully I will get done tomorrow. I did however go and buy groceries. Please note my essentials below:

Yes that is my boy Jose Cuervo and some vodka behind the rice milk. haha.

So I have been meaning to do some screenplay writing, but instead I have been doing letter writing...

Is one of them for you? Well did you tell me to write you and give me your address? No? Well then one of these is not for you.

Speaking of mail....I finally ran out of my nutcracker stamps and had to run down to the postage store (I don't really know what that place is called but they sell stamps and other postage things) to buy more. The lady asked me what kind I wanted and then dumped a whole bunch out on the desk. I told her to pick for me. She looked back and forth between the stamps and myself for a couple moments and then told me that in all her years working here, no one had ever asked her to pick. My ridiculous exact quote was "Well that's how we treat a woman in Chicago." The woman and I both broke out laughing. She then picked out the following stamp:

Yes....that is an Alaska stamp. So if you get a piece of mail and it has an Alaska stamp...then it is probably from California.
Note To Self: Never let a woman pick your stamps.

Then I went to my new store. It seems like it will be interesting. Very different from my old store but I will only be here 1-2 days a week instead of 40+ hours.

Oh yeah....and it was finally 70 today :)

Oh Oh yeah....this is my future

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