Sunday, January 25, 2009

Last Night At the 'tracks.

Despite getting about an hour of sleep the night before and having to get up at 6 the next morning to catch a train out of Chicago, I decided to go grab ONE last drink at Nick and I's old bar....Sidetracks aka the 'tracks. I walked into the bar and all of a sudden got really sad. It wasn't because it was my last time here, I was really over this bar and Nick and I had moved on to the Wild Pug. It was sad because I realized that I am going to have to find a whole new bar to call my own in LA. I walked up to our spot (yes we even have our spot at our bar) and just stood there for a moment taking it all in. It took us several times of going to this bar to find the perfect spot. Here you could see everyone entering and leaving, as well as the entire main part of the bar. The best thing about this spot though, is that everyone can see you. Nick and I had this place owned and I am going to miss it. However after more then my ONE intentional drink, I decided I need to go home as I had to get up soon. I was going to take a cab but then I was drunk and decided that I wanted to take the train. I am glad I did because I heard the most amazing drunk conversation going on between this couple next to me.

Girl: Every time we come down here we go past this amazing Borders with all these windows and you can see all these bookshelves. Promise me we will go sometime!
Boy: Is there a Chipotle near by? Can we go there after?
Girl: Sure.
Boy: Then okay.
(They have a little lip action.)
Girl: I just love Borders. I'm a member of their card club.
Boy: What the fuck is a card club?
Girl: It like this book club thing, but I love Borders so I'm a member.
Boy: Who the fuck joins a book club? You are probably the only one who is a member. Who here is a member of the Borders Club?
(No on raises their hand, they just stare at the dude)
Boy: Come on, I know you guys heard me. Who's a member?
(I think about it for a moment, and then proudly raise my hand)
Boy: Really?
Me: Yep.
(The boy looks back at his lady)
Boy: You know what I'm really curious about? The show The Beast. It's like let's just go around a blow shit up. If I could just go around and blow shit up, I would just go around and blow all the Borders up.
(the girl punches him in the arm)
Girl: Don't say that.
Boy: Why not, I would. Blow right through that glass window.
Girl: I love Borders!
Boy: I'd blow that shit up.
(meanwhile we are going past Lawrence on the train, so I decide to take action)
Me: I hate to interrupt and all, but you see that Borders out the window.
(Everyone on the train looks out, seriously everyone)
Me: Yeah, I'm the manager of that Borders right there.
Boy: For real?
Me: Oh yes.
Boy: You know who we should really be mad at? Patrick Swayze because he is the worst fucking actor ever. We should just blame it all on him.
Girl: I love the Twilight series, I've seen the movie like 100 times. Do you like the series?
Me: It's okay.

It went on like that for about 4 more stops...but was amazing...

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