Saturday, May 2, 2009


So.....did you miss me? I missed me....anyways. It has been a crazy couple of weeks so I figure at this point I have two options: 1. Recap everything that happened and make this the longest blog entry ever, or 2. Just bring you up to date. Lacking a lot of free time, I'm going to go with #2.

1.I now have two internships, one at Rumpus Entertainment and the other is still at Underground.
2. We finally moved into our new apartment. It is a huge three bedroom on the east side of Hollywood.
3. I have my own room!
4. Still working at Borders nights and weekends.
5. Trying to write more....trying being the key word.
6. I'm reading like 10 scripts a week....and slowly loosing my vision.
7. My new favorite song is now Don't Trust Me and is no long Poker Face.
8. My new favorite bar is the Avalon on Thursday nights for Tigerheat...I'm on the VIP list now...done and done.
9. Done is my new favorite word.
10. I have a real bed, there is an opening for a hot single female, if you know one send them over to audition.
11. I got a hair cut....and I really don't like it.
12. I miss Chicago a little, mostly the people.
13. My roommate Meghan won a Ford Fiesta as part of their Ford Fiesta Movement.
14. I found a free wait....I found two.
15. We have no furniture in our apartment.

Here are some pics of our empty apartment:


My Room:

The Closet Side 1:

The Closet Side 2:

Leah and I's Bathroom:

Living/Dining Room View 1:

Living/Dining Room View 2:

(please note that all furniture shown we got for FREE)

View off our dining room into the court yard/Pool

My Michelle Branch quote that has been in 6 and now 7 rooms of mine:

My artwork from Sam that I can't wait to put up!

Minus the one on the left that is from my Dad...and the belt...that's mine and not artwork.

A lot of quotes to catch up on so I'm just going to throw them all out here to get caught up:

From Mel, my new landlord:
"We don't throw breakables inside. We just throw them people."

While making a milkshake:
Mary: That's great scooping action there!
Me: If only that was the first time I'd heard that today.

Meghan: I like how you call me out on one thing when you are like the biggest bitch I know.

Chelsea: You are such a just know all the lines...

When putting out the homo magazines at work:
Me: You boys just like seeing each other half naked in water don't you?
Marcus: Maybe.
Me: Us girls are wearing clothes and are dry.
Marcus: No, lesbians would be on the cover with tacos.

Dani: Girls are like flowers...really needy flowers....and boys are like rocks.

Dani: The minute my girlfriend gets a gray hair on her pubes I'm dumping her and getting a new girlfriend.

Me: No Leah, we aren't sleeping together anymore so I don't have to put up with your shit.
Leah: Don't ever tell me we aren't sleeping together anymore!
Me: ?

Me: Don't break my heart.
Chelsea: There is no heart to break...

When driving to our new apartment and there were guys staring in the car:
Leah:We need to keep Meghan in the back where she belongs.
Meghan: Yeah! I got eye fucked the shit out of me.

Leah: She was my mentor at Columbia.
Me: Then you met me.
Leah: Yeah, and you're my sextor.
Me: Sex mentor?
Leah: Yeah.

About my stuffed bunny that my roommates keep sticking stuff in the tummy pouch:
Meghan: If only it was a cat we could put shit in Hilary's pussy.

And speaking of that...Mel's new favorite menu:

Um you are caught up!

Now I'm going to go read more scripts...

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