Monday, April 6, 2009

Internships and all that ADULT stuff

It has been pretty nuts over here in LA!

To make a long story short, in the last week I have:
a. Sent out about 100 resumes
b. Had two interviews
c. Seen 3 apartments
d. Finished my semester at the studio
e. Pitched to 2 studio executives
f. Had an 18 hour party
g. Went on Price is Right (you can see me on April 28th, I did not get to compete but you do see me for a second in the audience)

Out of all that I have decided to take one of the internships at Underground Films on Wed/Thurs and turned down another. The plan is to try to get at least one more internship I really want for Mon/Tues and possibly a third for Friday. Tomorrow I have an interviews at CBS, The Laugh Factory and Rumpus Films (The production company that did Paul Blart)

When I got home from work Friday night at 11 pm, my apartment was filled with tons of people. We started drinking and sometime around 3 I decided to go in my room and pass out. When I woke up at 7 (thanks to Chelsea) my apartment was still filled with people, and they were all passed out around various places in my apartment. Then Chelsea and Leah decided to get in my bed with Meghan and I. Then sometime in there Dan joined in and before I knew it there were five people in my little bed.


Then we all went to Ihop and then came home and continued the party. Then I went back to bed. That was my graduation party! haha

I will update you all on what is going on with my interviews/internships a lot sooner this time.

Leah: I'm a pescatarian.
Dan: What is that?
Hilary: It means she likes fish tacos Dan.
Brett: Hilary, stop pushing your lifestyle on others.

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