Thursday, April 16, 2009

No internet

I don't have internet right now so I'm way behind posting! BUT I have a place to live...until I get internet watch this over and over again:

Easter Sunday

It was what happens when there are 6 people in my bed and Quintin wants in.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Black Friday

As found in my cafe:

For those who can't read what it says:

Dear Stranger,
You are a beautiful person. Don't be afraid to be yourself.
(cute little heart) S.F.E.

It has been a rough week followed by the shittiest Friday ever. I started my internship at Underground, which was actually pretty fun. I'm learning a lot and am really enjoying it. I had two interviews, both of which I won't hear back from until next week. CBS canceled on me and won't set up a new interview with me, I'm very disappointed with that. The apartment we were going to get that we all loved screwed us over and decided not to let us have it. LA sucks with people doing that! In Chicago I never had any problems with people standing me up for apartment appointments or screwing us over at the last minute...and here it has happened more then once!!! AHHHHH!!!!!! I have the money...I just want them to take it so I can put all my shoes and movies (seeing as those are only the only things of value to me that I own) somewhere!

Dan: There's something in the water out here. People just want to bang and put things in their butt.

Friday I get up and head to go look at apartments, we found two that we really like and saw a bunch that we really didn't. Apartment hunting sucks. I had an interview at the Laugh Factory that only went so-so because I was in the middle of a text fight with she who must not be named (okay, I really just wanted to use that in a blog because it is awesome...she's still cool and is not the dark lord[ess] in anyway...even though she probably would be in Slytherin) that resulted in us not talking to each other anymore??? (?=I'm confused as fuck)

Followed directly by Sarah standing me up for our phone date (on the worst possible day, at the worst possible time):

Me: Way to not call me back woman!
Sarah:Sorry!! My Friend was having a crisis and then my parents just came...I'll call you tomorrow, I love you.
Me: Yeah yeah, you love me then break my heart...typical woman...and second in the same day haha
Sarah:NOOO!! But I'm not going anywhere, you will always be my homegirl.

Then Meghan and I went to the auditions for the new game show 20Q, she made it to the second round (which reminds me, I'm supposed to give a shout out to Meghan's mom!). Followed by the much needed drinking and shooting people...yeah...shooting people really made me feel better. I must say that nothing mends a sore heart like alcohol and violence. Oh and by the way, I was talking about laser tag, not actually shooting people (although that would have helped more probably).

(Leah sneezes really loudly) Quintin: Wow, that's like 1/3 an orgasm there!

I do not want my blog to be all sad news because I had a crappy Black Friday, so I am leaving you all with a nice little Easter video...Happy Easter!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Internships and all that ADULT stuff

It has been pretty nuts over here in LA!

To make a long story short, in the last week I have:
a. Sent out about 100 resumes
b. Had two interviews
c. Seen 3 apartments
d. Finished my semester at the studio
e. Pitched to 2 studio executives
f. Had an 18 hour party
g. Went on Price is Right (you can see me on April 28th, I did not get to compete but you do see me for a second in the audience)

Out of all that I have decided to take one of the internships at Underground Films on Wed/Thurs and turned down another. The plan is to try to get at least one more internship I really want for Mon/Tues and possibly a third for Friday. Tomorrow I have an interviews at CBS, The Laugh Factory and Rumpus Films (The production company that did Paul Blart)

When I got home from work Friday night at 11 pm, my apartment was filled with tons of people. We started drinking and sometime around 3 I decided to go in my room and pass out. When I woke up at 7 (thanks to Chelsea) my apartment was still filled with people, and they were all passed out around various places in my apartment. Then Chelsea and Leah decided to get in my bed with Meghan and I. Then sometime in there Dan joined in and before I knew it there were five people in my little bed.


Then we all went to Ihop and then came home and continued the party. Then I went back to bed. That was my graduation party! haha

I will update you all on what is going on with my interviews/internships a lot sooner this time.

Leah: I'm a pescatarian.
Dan: What is that?
Hilary: It means she likes fish tacos Dan.
Brett: Hilary, stop pushing your lifestyle on others.